
A professional using neoEdge and VisualNEO Web

In the rapidly evolving landscape of software development, the neoEdge framework emerges as a groundbreaking tool for those looking to harness the robustness of desktop applications coupled with the flexibility of web technologies. This blog post delves into what neoEdge is, how it integrates with VisualNEO Web, and why it’s a game-changer for developers aiming […]

Remove [P] from VisualNEO Win

Last week I tried -inspired by challenge 033 on– to create a VisualNeoWin program that shows the distribution of characters in a string (using the 26 characters of the ISO basic Latin alphabet a..z). Suppose the inputstring is CbcbbA than the lowercase output should be like a: 1 b: 3 c: 2 When scanning […]

VisualNEO Win - line breaks

When you move text files between Linux, Mac and Windows -as I do-, you must be aware of the fact that the line endings in Linux, Mac and Windows are different. In Linux and Mac, LF (\n or [#10] in VisualNeo Win) is used and in Windows CRLF (\r\n or [#13][#10] in VisualNeo Win). So […]

VisualNEO Programmer - FileWrite

VisualNeo Win Help > Action Command Reference > FileWrite says: ‘By default, FileWrite will convert any pipe characters “|” contained within the text into carriage returns/line breaks. To prevent this, add an exclamation point character “!” to the beginning of the data parameter (…).’ After having some unexpected results using FileWrite last week, I decided […]

Removing Duplicate Characters in a String with Rosetta Code Inspiration

Rosetta Code ( is a website which presents “solutions to the same task in as many different languages as possible (…)”. Although programming languages have similar and different approaches in solving problems, the site could be inspiring for you, as it is for me. Read on! Last week, I was looking -just for fun – […]

Controlling the cursor position in a Text Entry object

In order to edit source code easily, I made a small editor with VisualNEO Win. The application has the Text Entry object MyBigCodeText. Its content is stored in the variable [MyBigCodeText]. Editing source code means in my case inserting some code tags. As an example: some source code sections have to be preceded by the […]


Last week I had a very tedious task to perform: I had to make 40 music theory exams as an ODT document (1). Each student should have his own unique exam, containing a specific number of tasks. The ODT document contains several sections as embedded objects (like pictures) sections and formatting styles for various elements. […]

Hello, If you use VisualNeo Win’s StrParse, you have to be careful because of two issues. StrParse gives not always correct results and StrParse is rather slow and can cause your program to freeze. Let’s start with the first issue. Figure 1   In the texteditor Notepad++, I entered the number 1, pressed the Enter […]

filelist visualneo win

Hello, To prevent data loss, my program MCMusiceditor ( saves song codes to a backup directory. Over time, this backup directory becomes very large. Such disk consuming behaviour can be inconvenient. MCMusiceditor has no function that signals a warning message if the backup directory exceeds some size limit. So I decided to make a directory […]

5000 iPhone images: how to handle them?

Dear VisualNeo Win user, Someone asked me last week: Reinier, I’ve 5000 iPhone photos. Can you organize them for me, putting them in separate folders? The name of the folder can be equal to the year the images were recorded. Could the creation date be used in the filename of the image? Thank you! I […]

newlisp tutorial 5

This fifth tutorial covers four newLISP topics that could improve your VisualNEO application. A. Test data again In Tutorial 2 we put attention to predicates. Predicates are used to test data. Two functions are not categorized under Predicates (, but they are very useful: exists and for-all. 1. exists (setq mc-list ‘(2 “reinier” 1 “hello” […]

newLisp challenge 2

Before we continue with Tutorial 5 on newLISP, let’s do now some exercises in newLISP programming. You’ve to solve some problems. To do so successfully, recall the contents of the first four tutorials on newLISP of mine. In addition, you can use this link for info on newLISP functions: Notice that for some problems […]

NewLisp for VisualNEO Win Part 4

In the previous tutorials we already met the most important newLISP data type, the list. A list is technically spoken a sequence of one or more elements, separated by one space and surrounded by balanced parentheses (notice that an empty list exists in newLISP also). Remember: The parentheses around a list identify a unit, which […]

NewLisp for VisualNEO Win Part 3

In newLISP, the data types strings, one-dimensional arrays and lists have a lot in common: they are all sequences of some elements – in a specific order. It is no surprise that many of the newLISP’s built-in functions can be applied to strings, arrays and lists. As the developer of newLISP, Lutz Mueller wrote: “Many […]

newLisp Challenge

Before we continue with Tutorial 3 on newLISP, let’s do now some exercises in newLISP programming. You’ve to solve some little problems. To do so successfully, recall the contents of the first two tutorials on newLISP of mine. In addition, you can use for info on newLISP functions. [Notice that for some problems one […]

This tutorial is about functions that test for simple conditions. More complicated tests can be made by combining functions and logical operators (not, and, or). NewLISP has so called predicates, that are functions that evaluate to TRUE or NIL after performing a test on its argument. As you know already, NIL is the newLISP equivalent […]

newlisp tutorial 1

newLISP has been compiled into a Windows DLL (dynamic link library): newLISP.dll. Hans Peter Wickern made a free VisualNeo Win plugin that makes it possible to use newLISP within your VisualNeo Win GUI application builder (download hpwNewLISP from Why to use newLISP? a. shorter and more efficient code, e.g. by combining functions in one […]

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