Forum Guidelines

Forum Guidelines and recommendations

For your protection please refrain from posting personal information such as email address, phone number, website URLs, IP/MAC address, service request numbers, etc. in forum threads.  This information may be included in your profile details at your own risk.

VisualNEO Community is for:

  • Sharing your ideas about VisualNEO and our products.
  • Interacting with other members of the VisualNEO Community.
  • Networking with members of the VisualNEO Community.
  • Asking and answering questions about VisualNEO.
  • Learning about VisualNEO and our products.
  • Contributing your knowledge and experience to the VisualNEO Community.

VisualNEO Community is not for:

  • Disparaging VisualNEO, its products, employees, customers, partners, or anyone else.
  • Posting of content, material, or links that are offensive or inappropriate. This behavior will lead to termination of your account without any notice.
  • Spamming.
  • Sharing materials that belong to someone else.
  • Sharing of sensitive or confidential materials, including details of Service Requests that can be considered confidential information, including (but not limited to) passwords, logfiles, script output, or other sensitive subject matter.
  • Posting job listings or other solicitations, unless expressly allowed (e.g., in a space or group marked “Job Board”)
  • Posting the same question in multiple areas, a.k.a. “double posting.”  Please select only one area in which to post your question, so that any answers can be easily kept together and found via search. Multiple/duplicate posts may be locked or removed.
  • “Hijacking” another user’s thread.  Keep open discussions on topic and create a new thread if unrelated questions need to be raised.
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