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No puedo encontrar la forma de poder mostrar una imagen dentro de un objeto o contenedor

Por ejemplo tengo una carpeta donde se almacenan las imagenes (\imagenes)

y dependiendo de la pagina de la publicacion quiero que la foto [foto].jpg  (foto variable del nombre de la foto) sea visualizada dentro del contenedor  denominado frontal o de un cuadrado rectangulo1

Llevo horas y horas y no lo logro porque insertar una imagen ya me deja fija una determinada imagen, en este caso la imagen es variable

Alguien me puede dar una manito?

Mil gracias


I can't find a way to display an image inside an object or container

For example I have a folder where images are stored (\images)

and depending on the page of the publication I want the photo [photo].jpg (variable photo of the name of the photo) to be displayed within the container called front or a rectangular square1

It takes me hours and hours and I can't do it because inserting an image already leaves me with a certain image fixed, in this case the image is variable

Can someone give me a hand?

Thank you



My course (it's open to everyone) has a step-by-step tutorial that allows you to do something similar to your request.

You can translate the content of the page into any language in your browser. At the very bottom, there is a finished sample project attached. You can download it.

i go to link bad not show any article for my request... only promote course...


Your link redirect to

@joferar333 @roxana6218

Yes, it should be. To follow the link to a particular workshop, you need to be registered for the course. If you are not registered, you need to register on the site and click the blue "Enroll in the course" button under the course description. The course will then be available and my link above will take you to the correct course page.
I am providing the link as it describes the solution in detail.

@vadim Thank you for the information, I appreciate you a lot but even though I subscribed I couldn't find what you offer... it really is very complicated to navigate your site and very tedious when it comes to finding something...
I also tried to access a post that you left about database commands and when I try to access it it says that it does not exist....
it doesn't matter thanks anyway


I have attached a sample in English, have a look. This is a simple example of changing images in the same "Picture" object. Hope this helps.

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Thanks @vadim

Best Regards

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