NeoCMS Update multiple Collections? - Forum

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NeoCMS Update multiple Collections?


How to update multiple Collection items? for example i want let user to change "price" of all items in "products" collection.

In "remove command" of neoCms I can filter by fields data and then remove items.

I need same thing for Update Command, ability to filter by multiple fields.

For example filter collection items for name: 'test' and active: 'true' then update all result items field price: '1000'

If I learn how to do this I can make anything I want with neoCms.

@noyzen that's very interesting but I'm not sure if that could be done. You will have to ask in Cockpit CMS forum or Stackoverflow.
If there is a way to do it, I can include it as a command within the plugin for sure.
Please let me know if you find a solution.

Thank you!

noyzen has reacted to this post.

@noyzen also note that I have preinstalled GraphQL. I think it's like SQL for not relational databases.
I have no idea about how to use GraphQL yet, but probably is the correct place to find the solution.

When logged-in into the CMS, just click in the upper left logo. Then, on the bottom, you will see a link to CockpitQL playground.

Best regards.

Yes I saw That extra plugin GraphQL

Thanks for replay I will look for any news and updates from you.

For now and for my apps I have to go back to neoPHP





Quote from noyzen on March 20, 2022, 11:44 am

In "remove command" of neoCms I can filter by fields data and then remove items.

I need same thing for Update Command, ability to filter by multiple fields.

For example filter collection items for name: 'test' and active: 'true' then update all result items field price: '1000'

If I learn how to do this I can make anything I want with neoCms.

Have you implemented this feature now? Filter by multiple fields is indeed often used in development. Is there any way to achieve it?

Quote from luishp on March 20, 2022, 11:52 am

@noyzen that's very interesting but I'm not sure if that could be done. You will have to ask in Cockpit CMS forum or Stackoverflow.
If there is a way to do it, I can include it as a command within the plugin for sure.
Please let me know if you find a solution.

Thank you!

Any ideas how to update this feature?

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