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PluginInfo - database of VisualNEO Win and VisualNEO Web commands.
The purpose of the program: quick search for the necessary commands by their descriptions (full-text search by meaning) and translation of the command descriptions into your native language.
PluginInfo is intended to solve the problem of finding the right command among thousands of existing plugins commands. It is impossible to remember them all. This means that you need a quick search tool, preferably in the chosen language or with the ability to translate them to your own language.
The program automatically creates descriptions of commands for VisualNEO Win plug-ins from the folder you choose (you can add the entire folder with plug-ins to the database through the "Add" menu). Descriptions for VisualNEO Web commands are added manually by me for now.
Through the menu "Language", select your language for the interface of the program.
The context menu (right-click on the table) contains, among other things, a command to translate the selected line into any language (the translation is placed in the column nearest to the command name). The translation language can be selected in the upper field of the program "Translate from: {foreign language} to {your language}". Leave Auto as the "foreign language" and the program itself will determine the language from which to translate. For translation the program uses free online translation services (Microsoft Translate, Yandex Trahslate).
You can choose encoding in "Settings" menu (I'm interested in how font will be displayed in the database and whether you need the function of changing the encoding).
Also, I am now very interested in all the possible bugs in the program, and your suggestions for its development.


PluginInfo - база данных по командам плагинов VisualNEO Win и VisualNEO Web.
Назначение программы: быстрый поиск нужных команд по их описанию (полнотекстовый поиск по смыслу) и перевод описаний команд на ваш родной язык.
PluginInfo призвана решить проблему поиска нужной команды среди многих тысяч уже существующих команд плагинов. Помнить их все невозможно. Значит нужен инструмент быстрого поиска, причем желательно на выбранном языке или с возможностью перевода на свой язык.
Программа автоматически создаёт описания команд для плагинов VisualNEO Win из выбранной Вами папки (через меню "Добавить" можно добавить в базу сразу всю папку с плагинами). Описания для команд VisualNEO Web пока добавляются вручную.
Через меню "Язык" выберите свой язык для интерфейса программы.
Контекстное меню (вызывается правым кликом мыши по таблице) и содержит в том числе команду перевода выбранной строки на любой язык (перевод помещается в столбец, ближайший к названию команды). Язык перевода можно выбрать в верхнем поле программы "Переводить с: {иностранный язык} на {ваш язык}". Оставьте в качестве "иностранного языка" значение Auto и программа сама определит язык с которого нужно переводить. Для перевода программа использует онлайн службы перевода (Microsoft Translate, Yandex Trahslate).
В меню "Настройки" Вы можете выбрать кодировку базы (меня интересует как будет отображаться шрифт в базе и нужна ли функция смены кодировки).
Также меня сейчас очень интересуют все возможные ошибки в программе и ваши пожелания для её развития.


For Windows 10 and later systems...

Language preferences > Language > Administrative language settings > Change system locale... > Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support

After rebooting, hieroglyphs should appear instead of questions. These characters can already be without problems using an online translator to translate into your language.

Since the Russian is not necessary to read you, then I think this will be quite enough to translate the plug-in description to your language.

Well, if someone needs a Russian language, then pop-up tips will be displayed correctly.

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Vadim, dglojnar and 3 other users have reacted to this post.


Bravo!!! This is a mega super useful program!!!

Will be testing the program with great pleasure!!!


mishem has reacted to this post.

@mishem what you have done is simply incredible!!!
Thanks so much!!!

I'm testing it right now :)

Vadim and mishem have reacted to this post.

Yandex is currently not working. I will look for a solution.

Thank you mishem, very usefull !!

I am interested in how the Russian text is displayed.

Need option in settings> Coding in the database> ANSI | RUS?

Is the system language determined automatically? Or is it displayed in English if you have a system for yourself in Spanish?


Nice work, really nice work :-)

System language was determined automatically - I'm runnning German Windows 8.1 and language was correct - German:-)

Russian text was displayed as many "?" signs, like this:

??????????????????????????!??????????????????????? no matter what I choose - ANSI|RUS etc...





Thank you. This is important information to me.



You welcome:-)

@mishem same here. The system recognizes my languaage (Spanish) but russian is displayed as ????? too.
Very, very great work!


Thank you for the information and kind words.
How do you live your life that Russian text is not displayed? :Lol: Joke.

You need to come up with something, with Russian.
There are a lot of plugins in Russian that you will not be able to translate to your language. :(


luishp has reacted to this post.
Quote from mishem on November 23, 2021, 11:17 pm


Thank you for the information and kind words.
How do you live your life that Russian text is not displayed? :Lol: Joke.

You need to come up with something, with Russian.
There are a lot of plugins in Russian that you will not be able to translate to your language. :(



Why not ?

Any source of plug-ins are extremely valuable, and, we all figured you have a BRILLIANT Andrei :-)

I was snooping around - lot's of interesting stuff, it's a really shame not to share with community, same as spanish forums about Neobook/VNW

We can try to translate, some freeware stuff  for beginning - I'm not native Russian speaker but I'm native Slavic hard can be ?

And most of terms (plug-ins and IT related) are actually always the same or similar....

Just thinking loud :-)



Vadim has reacted to this post.

A request to all for whom Russian is not displayed. You can take a snapshot or list what you have in the registry by address:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontSubstitutes

Quote from mishem on November 24, 2021, 12:59 pm

A request to all for whom Russian is not displayed. You can take a snapshot or list what you have in the registry by address:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontSubstitutes


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Below I have attached a registry file of the fonts that are installed on my computer. If anyone wants to experiment and knows what to do, I'd appreciate it. Who doesn't understand, don't go into the registry and don't double click on that file. I don't know how your system will behave. You can view this file in Notepad using the context menu Open in Notepad, or from Notepad itself.

I can only see the difference in a few fonts. Russian fonts have a value of 204. I'll include fonts in the next update, I just forgot about this feature this time. Maybe this will help.

If anyone decides to try adding missing fonts to the system, please let me know. Whether it helped or not.

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I have imported the .reg file into the windows registry, but I don't see any difference (the ???? still appear), I think you should include the sources in the EXE to see if this is solved.


Thank you.
After the import, you need to restart the computer.

 I think you should include the sources in the EXE to see if this is solved.

Yeah, I'll do an update a little later.

Added ability to add description of VisualNeoWeb plugins. In order to add a description of plug-ins that do not yet exist, just drop the file or folder with plug-ins on the program, or select the desired action in the File menu. Added fonts to the project, but I'm not sure that the Russian text will be displayed properly.

The only thing I can think of is to add entries in Russian in UTF-8 encoding, then you can do the translation of Russian text. These are still unrealized thoughts.

Fixed some bugs, added some new ones. :)

Добавил возможность добавлять описание плагинов VisualNeoWeb. Для того что бы добавить описание плагинов которых еще нет, просто скиньте файл или папку с плагинами на программу, или выберите в меню Файл нужное действие. Добавил шрифты в проект, но не уверен что будет нормально отображаться русский текст.

Единственное что мне приходит в голову, это добавить записи на русском языке в кодировке UTF-8, тогда вы сможете делать перевод русского текста. Это пока не реализованные мысли. 

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I think you should include the sources in the EXE to see if this is solved.

The source code will not help you in any way. Russian language is in mdb file, it is the system can't read Russian language. We have a different code table.

Perhaps if you change in the registry under the path


your code page, for example c_1252.nls to c_1251.nls, then maybe you will display the Russian font.


But I do not advise to do this, as you may end up with problems with the display of pages on the Internet, in programs, etc.

Thank you ...  great stuff here.
I am on an English system and American English is chosen but yet I get ?????????  ?
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