Purchased program but how to get program to recognize system I.D.? - Forum

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Purchased program but how to get program to recognize system I.D.?


I've purchased the PixelNeo program and have a system I.D. now. I'm currently using the trial version prior to purchase.

How do I tell the program that I have a valid system I.D. verifying purchase? Don't know what will happen when the trial runs out in a few days.

The older NeoPaint program had a box in the "help" tab to insert the system I.D. number to qualify purchase. I see nothing as such in the PixelNeo program.

Any ideas as to what to do?


@krajesj52 you should have received an email with your registration key and instructions on how to install it. Just copy the attched pixelneo.key file into C:\ProgramFiles folder. That's all.
Please confirm you have received such email. If not please contact me by email: info[at]sinlios.com
Also provide an alternative email address just in case.

Thank you!

i purchased pixelnio my tryal program has ran out.  No email has not been sent yet, it's been a month!

Email bendlewilliam1@gmail.com

please send the code today...

@bendle we have sent you 4 emails with the registration key.
Please check spam folder.
I have just sent you a new email with links instead of attached files.
Please confirm you have finally registered the software.

Thank you!

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