antivrus false positives - Forum

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antivrus false positives

I am using antivrus software called Malwarebytes. For some strange reason it now blocks anything new I compile with either Neobook5 or VisualNeo Win. Even a totally blank pub with no plugins is blocked and quarentined as malware. But if I compile an older pub that I created over a year ago, which I edit and update every day, there is no malware detection at all. What? How can a blank app contain malware?

malware heuristic 1003

What is Malware.Heuristic.1003 infection? Malware.Heuristic.1003 is a detection name used in Malwarebytes Anti-malware engine for identification of the malicious item detected by a heuristic system. However, in a lot of cases that detection can be just a false positive.

A lot of cases. Programs that intentionally block you out of your own documents are technically "cancel-culture" malware, even if they claim to protect. Critics of Windows 11 say it aims to block bios (UEFI motherboard firmware) if a need should arise to protect the **** outta ya. False positives will brick devices.




It's a false positive. Please report it to your antivirus software vendor.
Thank you!

fkapnist has reacted to this post.

After combing for answers and coming up with only one (to purchase a certificate), I have decided to simply educate my traffic with a short video explaining the issue.  If you think this is a fair enough explanation, there is a link at the bottom which links to the video (no URL) in my Google Drive.  Help yourself to a copy.

luishp, Vadim and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
Quote from luishp on July 29, 2022, 12:46 pm

It's a false positive. Please report it to your antivirus software vendor.
Thank you!

But I have no way of knowing what antivirus software the end user has....

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