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PWA Introduction

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Hi Rocote,
I think I am like you. I progress little by little in the discovery of NVWeb. Sometimes we have the impression of going around in circles, we block on a subject, and by dint of dissecting each available tutorial, we take a step forward and we are satisfied. Now what I lack is a real idea of a program to do, which allows me to put into practice the "knowledge" that I am starting to have ...

Hello CDY44, you are right one day or another everyone must go through different stages to gain experience.

Vadim and CDY@44 have reacted to this post.

Hi Rocote,
Busy life experience! Programming for me is just a hobby. I am an avionics maintenance technician, specializing in inertial navigation systems for a large French airline. I don't have the opportunity to apply what I learn in the course of my work, it remains just an external passion. I am very happy to see the evolution that VisualNeo Web is taking.
...About elder brother is a former English teacher...So I understand what you're talking about ;)

Vadim has reacted to this post.

Hi, Luis. I hope that you had nice holidays and I wish you and your company great success this year.

I am having some problems deploying a small app I just built to record the progress of the drying process of coffee, which is what I produce at my farm. The app tahes input about temperatures and humidity levels and saves that information into a database with two tables: one table keeps the basic infor of each lot of coffee beans that ntr the drying process and the other table keeps that information about each of the successive controls.

The app works just fine when I use it on the localhost. However, when I upload it to my hosting service in godaddy, and I run it on crome, I can move around the app, but it does not save or retrieve any information to/from the database.

I uploaded the ctrsecado-Web folder and I access the index.html file in that folder which also contains the database file. When I open it for the first time, it does not show the Install request, but if I right click on it I can find an option to make it as an app on my desktop. That works as far as reading the index.html file, but also does not have access to the database.

Any idea of what may be happening?

Hi @mejiag, can you share the URL of your application so I can check any possible error message?
Note that pressing F12 key while on Chrome you can open the Web Browser Console and check for error messages.
It can give you a clue about what's is happening.

Thank you @luishp. This is the URL:!/loginPG

temporary usr: Gardenia PWD: LaCeiba


@mejiag, la aplicación muestra este error:

"Error: Access to storage is not allowed from this context."

Esto indica que hay algún tipo de bloqueo de seguridad.
¿Que tipo de base de datos estás utilizando y cómo lo estás haciendo exáctamente?

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