VisualNEO Web OpenAI GPT - Forum

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VisualNEO Web OpenAI GPT

I have created a OpenAI GPT with information about VisualNEO Web.
Although it not always offers an exact solution I think it's useful enough to be shared here:

Let me know what you think!
If you find it useful enough I will add a link from the HELP menu.
Thank you!

Vadim, CDY@44 and 2 other users have reacted to this post.

Hi @luishp,

I think it is a very good idea ! I will take a look asap !

Hi @luishp,

I ask gpt about "neoTable" and it gives me that answer :

2. Ajouter un Tableau à ton Application

Créer un tableau de base

Ajoute un objet Container dans ton application, puis insère le tableau avec une commande comme ceci :

neoTableCreate "Table1" "name,surname,age" "John,Doe,30|Jane,Doe,28"

🔹 Cela crée un tableau "Table1" avec 3 colonnes (name, surname, age) et deux lignes de données.

...But neoTableCreate doesn't exist....It is not a Plugin "neoTable" instruction...


@cdy44-2 I know. It tends to offer made-up information when it comes to displaying concrete code.
It's more useful to check for a concrete plugin or functionality.
Perhaps it will get better soon :)
Thanks for testing!

CDY@44 has reacted to this post.

I am sure it has a great potential !!

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