VisualNEO Web. Version 25.2.3 released (Minor version) - Forum

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VisualNEO Web. Version 25.2.3 released (Minor version)


Free update for previous version VisualNEO Web users.

Software: VisualNEO Web
Version: 25.2.3

This is a minor version update.

  • New plugins:
    • neoFlash (The neoFlash plugin enables VisualNEO Web applications to integrate and securely run SWF (Flash) files directly in modern browsers, included mobile devices. This is accomplished using Ruffle, a Flash Player emulator that leverages WebAssembly to offer a safe and seamless Flash experience. With neoFlash, developers can continue to utilize Flash-based content even on systems that no longer natively support Flash technology. More info here)
  • Updated plugins:
    • neoEditor (new javascript version that solves compatibility issues with last version modern web borwsers)
    • neoBcrypt (solves MySQL and WordPress compatitbility)
    • neoCms (small bug fixed in Delete functionality)
    • neoContentSlider (small bug fixed)
    • neoScreenRecorder (New commands to pause and resume recording)
  • New Core Commands
    • DisableContextMenu (Disable app context menu: right click)

  • New Tools
    • neoExe (This lightweight application allows you to package your web apps, created with VisualNEO Web or not, into standalone Windows executables (.exe) effortlessly. More info here)

Download from:

Let me know if you have any issues.
Thank you!

Vadim, CDY@44 and 6 other users have reacted to this post.

Congratulations on this update. Looking forward to trying NeoExe.

@luishp ,

He probado NeoExe y funciona todo perfectamente excepto cuando pongo la opción frameless
En mi caso me da siempre este error:

I have tried NeoExe and everything works perfectly except when I enable the "frameless" option.
In my case, it always gives me this error:

Uploaded files:
  • You need to login to have access to uploads.

I have created several exe's and when I want to run them I get the following message

Uploaded files:
  • You need to login to have access to uploads.

I have created several exe's and when I want to run them I get the following message

Uploaded files:
  • You need to login to have access to uploads.

@emmanuel-fernandez creo que es poruqe estás seleccionando opciones que son incompatibles entre sí. Si seleccionas Frameless, asegúrate de no marcar las opciones Resizable ni Maximize y Minimize buttons. Recuerda que para salir de una aplicación Frameless a pantalla completa necesitarás pulsar Alt-F4.

@carlos-saldana probablemente necesitas instalar WebView2 (viene instalado por defecto en Windows 11 y versiones actualizadas de Windows 10).

Aunque lo del error de protocolo "phonefactor://" me hace dudar... ¿Cómo estás intentando crear el ejecutable exáctamente?

@luishp ,

Aunque no marque las opciones Resizable ni Maximize ni Minimize no me crea el exe si marco el checkbox Frameless. Para el resto de casos funciona perfectamente.
un saludo

Hello greetings I don't know what the problem could be but I installed webvie2 again and I keep getting the same error these are the parameters I use

Uploaded files:
  • You need to login to have access to uploads.

@emmanuel-fernandez gracias por la información. Tendré que echar un vistazo. Durante el desarrollo hice algunas pruebas y funcionaba bien, pero debí estropear algo más tarde :(

@carlos-saldana note that your .zip file should include an index.html and all the necessary folders. Do not include the project folder within the .zip file, just index.html and required folders, nothing more.

genial @luishp ,
Para futuras actualizaciones incluso puedes añadir la opción de permitir o no permitir que se se ejecute si ya esta en ejecución
una abrazo ;-)

Wow. Lots of improvements for a minor upgrade! Thanks.

Being able to Run my old Flash games again is great...

I am also working on an app similar to neoEXE

But mine (Web2Win4 exe) works not only with NeoEdge.exe but also with any Windows browser the user may have as default.!/HomePage

I might release a beta version for your testing.


luishp and Vadim have reacted to this post.

The neoEXE output performs much better than the buggy IE Compiler that was built into early versions of VisualNEO Web (although it automatically did created the zip file for you).

However, just like @emo , the Frameless option doesn't work for me either...


luishp and asmat have reacted to this post.

Luis, thank you so much for your efforts!!! It is very inspiring!!!

luishp, fkapnist and asmat have reacted to this post.

@luishp  estuve viendo tu ultima actualización y se ve muy interesante, me atrae mucho la idea de la nueva herramienta NeoExe, pero pese a que lei toda la documentacion tengo una gran duda y solo tu me la puedes evacuar...

Supongamos que genero una app que incluye base de datos.. mientras estoy en proceso para visualizarla tengo que correr el server local ok hasta ahi todo genial
pero si yo esta aplicacion  no la quiero subir a la web, quiero que corra en mi computadora, ahi viene la duda, si yo compilo y genero el exe, dentro de este ejecutable ya incluira el servidor local que me permita interactuar con la base de datos o antes de correr el exe debo correr el servidor ....

Quedo a la espera para evaluar posibilidades

Gracias Luis un cordial saludo

@emmanuel-fernandez @fkapnist
I have fixed the "Frameless" option bug. Believe it or not the problem was a single comma character :)
Please download and install again the current version.

@joferar333 el ejecutable incluirá unicamente tu aplicación, por lo que deberías poner en marcha el servidor local antes de ejecutarlo.

Thank you everyone!

farhad2008, CDY@44 and 2 other users have reacted to this post.

Muchas gracias @luishp por tu resputa


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